Inform yourself of the dangers of working with muriatic acid and learn about the benefits of removing concrete buildup with an organic acid based product in Lisa Wells' article, "Safe Alternatives to Muriatic Acid" in the April/May 2018 issue of Concrete Contractor magazine.

Read the full article here on page 50!Cover April May Concrete Contractor

Anyone in the concrete industry knows how difficult removing built-up concrete on tools and equipment can be. Many turn to muriatic acid to do the cleaning but this chemical is dangerous to those using it and anyone close enough to inhale its fumes. It's also highly corrosive and will damage many of your tools.

There are safer, organic-acid based alternatives that actually do a better job. Blast-Off, for example, is made from sugar beets and it turns caked-on concrete to mush that easily washes away. And Blast-Off is safe to use on all surfaces, even rubber, glass, metal, and electrical components.


Safe Alternatives to Muriatic Acid pg 1

Safe Alternatives to Muriatic Acid pg 2