End users and distributors alike want best-in-class release agents, but they want them at a lower cost. Over the past 60 years, Nox-Crete has learned a thing or two about manufacturing best-in-class chemical solutions to concrete problems.

Chembeton provides a crisp, positive release, along with a cleaner, smoother appearance than competing release agents. Chembeton was used on the two panels in the foreground.
What you might not know is that our family of release agents features high-performance products at all price points—including Chembeton.
Providing the greatest value and a high level of performance, Chembeton is ideal for plywood-faced handset forms, B-B plywood, steel and aluminum, and forms previously treated with form oil.
Chembeton is a hybrid form release agent that combines both chemically active and barrier-type release properties for a crisp, positive release. Its petroleum-based formulation also allows for easy spraying in cold weather.
Chembeton provides many advantages, including:
- Dries fast
- Resists wash-off
- Mild odor
- Can be applied up to three weeks before concrete pour
- Is ready to use, no dilution required
- Provides a crisp, positive release
Reduces cleaning and maintenance costs–forms become self-cleaning with continued use
Resists removal by foot traffic and rain
Can be used on forms that have been previously treated with competitive form oils
- One grade for year-round sprayability
Surpasses performance requirements of US Army Corps of Engineers, GSA and Bureau of Reclamation specifications for nonstaining form oil
Meets all federal, state and Canadian VOC requirements (excludes SCAQMD of California)
Learn more about how Chembeton is right for you by contacting Nox-Crete's customer service team at 402.341.2080 and by reading the product data sheet.