Recent Growth at Nox-Crete Corporate

Nox-Crete Corporate

Under a clear blue July sky in Omaha, NE semi-trailers with oversized loads lined the street near the Nox-Crete corporate headquarters. Each carried a key element in new efficiencies coming to the Nox-Crete plant; four 20,000 gallon storage tanks in all. Throughout the afternoon, a crane carefully lowered these tanks into place with Nox-Crete operations team members keeping close supervision.

Trucks lining the street, ready to deliver the new storage tanks.

Increased Storage Capabilities

All together, Nox-Crete has added the following:

• Four 20,000 gallon tanks outside for raw material storage for petroleum-based products
• Four 3,000 gallon tanks inside the plant; two are reactor tanks for production and two are for storage
• Ten 1,500 gallon tanks inside the plant for raw material storage
• Two 1,800 gallon tanks inside the plant for raw material storage

Additional upgrades include an updated tank level monitoring system and new processing equipment that will help to achieve higher quality products and materials savings for the forming and tilt-up market segments.

This tank is about to go up and over!

The team adjusts the tank to its final resting spot before the crane releases it.

“These new tanks will increase storage capacity, free up plant space and increase production and efficiency,” says Operations Manager Eric Hansen. “We’ll be able to produce more and the expanded storage that makes the materials more readily available gives us greater flexibility.”

Space for a Growing Team

Expanded capabilities in the plant are a great step forward but the growth doesn’t end there. In order to facilitate the addition of new team members and allow for reorganization of people by function, it was necessary to renovate and repurpose an existing space within the office. Refurbishing the existing space means saying good-bye to decades-old decor that is out of sync with the more modern areas.

Where 3 carpet-walled cubicles used to live, 6 sleek, modern cubicles now reside.

“The renovated space was previously used primarily for storage and a couple of workspaces which were ill-suited for their uses,” says CFO Lori Reid. “The space now contains six cubicles, one private office and one conference room. The dark wood panel walls, cubical walls with carpet and linoleum floor with decades of history are gone. Sleek, modern cubicles that bring greater functionality to the room and make smarter use of the space are in their place.”

Right down to the door knobs, extra steps were taken to make the new offices match the originals.

Contractors renovating this new office space were careful to maintain the integrity of the historic building. The new glass panel doors with overhead windows are indistinguishable from those on the original offices in the building. The contractor even scoured local rummage shops to find doorknobs that matched the others in the building.

Everything is in place to increase storage and accommodate more team members. That puts Nox-Crete in a great position to continue providing superior products and excellent service.

Tilt-Up Market Manager Tom Bozzano Talks PVC Reveals in Tilt-Up Today Magazine!

Are you still using wood reveals to create decorative details in your tilt-up panels? Nox-Crete's Tilt-Up Market Segment Manager Tom Bozzano has a lot to say on why you should consider switching to PVC reveals such as Clean Line Reveal. Clean Line Reveal won the 2018 Most Innovative Products at the World of Concrete. PVC reveals are durable, easy to install, easy to remove and produce a clean release and uniform finish. See Tom's article, "The Advantages of PVC Reveals in Decorative Tilt-Up" in Tilt-Up Today magazine!

Read the full article here.

Read up on the benefits of PVC reveals and then reach out to Tom with any questions. You can reach Tom at or 402-598-8673.

Forming Manager Destry Kenning Discusses the Reactivity of Aluminum Forms in Concrete Facts Magazine!

In this article, Destry Kenning discusses methods for seasoning aluminum forms as a solution to dealing with the reactivity between aluminum and concrete. Proper preparations are crucial in order to prevent buildup and achieve smoother surfaces. Read "Dealing with the Reactivity of Aluminum Forms and Concrete" in the Summer 2018 edition of Concrete Facts magazine!

Read the full article here!

Check out Destry's informative article straightaway! If you'd like to see what Nox-Crete can do to help you achieve smooth forms, then contact Destry. You can reach him at or 402-504-9232.




Aluminum Forms and Concrete: A Chemical Reaction

For more information, look for Destry Kenning's article, "Dealing with the Reactivity of Aluminum Forms and Concrete" in the Summer 2018 edition of Concrete Facts magazine. It's part 1 of a 4-part series so stay tuned for more!

Are you seeing veins or worm-like trails on your concrete panels? There's a reason for that. The elemental aluminum present in the aluminum forms is very reactive with the cementitious materials in concrete. Chemical reactions are much stronger than physical reactions and the results are concrete buildup. Additionally, hydrogen gas creates bubbles on the concrete surfaces. As these bubbles migrate upward, they leave these unsightly trails on your panels.

There are ways to prevent these problems. You can try a resinous coating on the aluminum form surface, but there are pros and cons to a heavy coating and a thin coating. Another option is to react the aluminum with something in advance to prevent or minimize further reaction when it comes into contact with the concrete. This process is known as "seasoning". Read the article to see what Kenning has to say about various seasoning methods!

Problem Solved: Osmotic Effect

Osmotic Effect

What is the Osmotic Effect?

"Osmotic effect” occurs when water migrates out of a tilt-up panel into the casting slab during the critical hydration process. Cement on the downside of the panel does not completely hydrate. Effects range from minor panel surface defects like dusting to more severe damage like complete skin pull-off.

Why does it Happen?

When wet concrete from a newly poured panel is cast against a casting slab with less water content, a gradient forms. Water draws out of the panel and into the casting slab through osmosis. The difference in moisture content between the panel and the casting slab affects the osmotic force, or pressure, necessary to reach equilibrium between the two.

Osmosis is further encouraged by the force of gravity naturally pulling water out of the panel and into the casting slab. Additionally, a temperature gradient often exists between cooler freshly poured concrete and the warmer casting slab. This can contribute to osmosis as water draws into the casting slab.

How can I Prevent the Osmotic Effect?

The most effective preventative measure against the “osmotic effect” is to eliminate the previously mentioned gradient differentials from the start. This is achievable by saturating the casting slab with water before placing the concrete panel. This increases the water concentration in the casting slab, eliminating the gradient, which in turn eliminates osmosis. Please note that removal of excess water from the casting slab immediately prior to panel placement is crucial. Otherwise, the reverse effect of too much water can cause surface dusting.

Another key step in preventing the osmotic effect is using a chemically active, breathable cure and bondbreaker. This will reduce water migration through the bondbreaker while allowing vapor transmission. Chemically active Silcoseal Select forms an amorphous gel which effectively seals concrete surface pores, restricting moisture exit or entry and retaining concrete mixing water to assist in proper hydration. Silcoseal Select resists osmosis by restricting water’s migration from freshly poured concrete through the bondbreaker into the less moist slab.

Additionally, a silicate based hardener, sealer and dustproofer such as Duro-Nox provides added resistance to the “osmotic effect”. I reacts with hydrated lime in the casting slab to densify, harden, and reduce the porosity of the slab surface, thereby reducing the opportunity for osmosis to occur.