Moldtech Manufactures 180º Turner with 100,000 lb Capacity

Nox-Crete is the Moldtech representative for the United States and Canada. For pricing and availability of Moldtech products, please contact Nox-Crete’s Precast Division at: or 402.341.2080.

Manufacturing devices for turning large precast elements 180º is nothing new for Moldtech, manufacturer of forms and equipment for the precast and prestressed concrete industry. But these turners came with a maximum weight capacity of 55,116 lbs. At the request of Jensen Precast, Moldtech now has a turner with a 100,000 lb. weight capacity.

Read more about this heavy-duty turner on Moldtech's blog. Remember, Nox-Crete is your Moldtech U.S. and Canada representative!

The Nox-Crete Team hits the TCA Tilt-Up Convention & Expo in Dallas


Attendees of the TCA Tilt-Up Convention & Expo in Dallas will find the best tilt-up products and the most knowledgeable tilt-up experts in the industry at the Nox-Crete booth, #301.

Have a chat with our team to learn about our top-of-the-line PVC rustication strips, Clean Line Reveal, 2018 winner of the Most Innovative Products at the World of Concrete! Clean Line Reveal for tilt-up and precast is durable, easy to install and offers a clean release every time. Or let them show you PacForm, our laminated veneer lumber wall panel edgeform. 

In the market for a good bondbreaker, cure or joint filler? They can help you with that too! Stop by and see them Thursday September 20 and Friday September 21.

Forming Segment Manger Destry Kenning on Choosing the Right Release Agent in Concrete Facts Magazine!

In part 2 of his 4-part series, Destry covers how to achieve the best results from your formwork by choosing the right release agent. It goes way beyond which standalone product is best. How, when and on what you apply it are all things to consider in choosing the best product for the job. Read "Matching Form Release Agents to Application Methods" in the Fall 2018 issue of Concrete Facts magazine!

Read the full article here!

Check out Destry's latest article right away and also have a look at Alumi-Nox R to reduce build-up and improve appearance! Then, to see what Nox-Crete can do to help you achieve smooth forms, contact Destry at or 402-504-9232.

Nox-Crete Goes Bronco Blue

bronco blue

Nox-Crete was proud to go Bronco Blue with a custom order of Acryl Pen. Our lab technician and colorist collaborated on the exterior concrete stain to match the widely recognized blue turf at Boise State's Albertson's Stadium. A match was crucial since the concrete to be treated would lead right up to field fondly referred to as "The Blue".  Other Nox-Crete team members worked together to rush this product off to the folks at Boise State and our sales rep later reported we had happy customers. Happy customers are always the goal and we're proud to have played a small role in outfitting Boise State's stadium in Bronco Blue.

Read more about "The Blue" here

Decorative Segment Manager Marty O’Mara Covers Acrylic Sealers in Concrete Contractor Magazine!

To help decorative hardscapes maintain their appearances for years to come, you need to seal them. This is where acrylic sealers for decorative hardscapes are so useful. There are a lot of options out there but acrylic sealers make great choices for exterior decorative surfaces. Our Decorative Market Segment Manager Marty O'Mara can help you learn what to look for when making your selection. See Marty's full article, "To Seal and Protect: Preserving Decorative Hardscapes" in the Aug/Sept issue of Concrete Contractor magazine!

Read the full article here!

Once you've learned all about solvent-based acrylic sealers, check out Natraseal and Sparkl-Seal for your decorative hardscapes.