Problem Solved: Osmotic Effect

Osmotic Effect

What is the Osmotic Effect?

"Osmotic effect” occurs when water migrates out of a tilt-up panel into the casting slab during the critical hydration process. Cement on the downside of the panel does not completely hydrate. Effects range from minor panel surface defects like dusting to more severe damage like complete skin pull-off.

Why does it Happen?

When wet concrete from a newly poured panel is cast against a casting slab with less water content, a gradient forms. Water draws out of the panel and into the casting slab through osmosis. The difference in moisture content between the panel and the casting slab affects the osmotic force, or pressure, necessary to reach equilibrium between the two.

Osmosis is further encouraged by the force of gravity naturally pulling water out of the panel and into the casting slab. Additionally, a temperature gradient often exists between cooler freshly poured concrete and the warmer casting slab. This can contribute to osmosis as water draws into the casting slab.

How can I Prevent the Osmotic Effect?

The most effective preventative measure against the “osmotic effect” is to eliminate the previously mentioned gradient differentials from the start. This is achievable by saturating the casting slab with water before placing the concrete panel. This increases the water concentration in the casting slab, eliminating the gradient, which in turn eliminates osmosis. Please note that removal of excess water from the casting slab immediately prior to panel placement is crucial. Otherwise, the reverse effect of too much water can cause surface dusting.

Another key step in preventing the osmotic effect is using a chemically active, breathable cure and bondbreaker. This will reduce water migration through the bondbreaker while allowing vapor transmission. Chemically active Silcoseal Select forms an amorphous gel which effectively seals concrete surface pores, restricting moisture exit or entry and retaining concrete mixing water to assist in proper hydration. Silcoseal Select resists osmosis by restricting water’s migration from freshly poured concrete through the bondbreaker into the less moist slab.

Additionally, a silicate based hardener, sealer and dustproofer such as Duro-Nox provides added resistance to the “osmotic effect”. It reacts with hydrated lime in the casting slab to densify, harden, and reduce the porosity of the slab surface, thereby reducing the opportunity for osmosis to occur.

Nox-Crete’s Clean Line Reveal Wins a 2018 MIP at World of Concrete Awards

We’re proud to share with you that our PVC rustication strip product, Clean Line Reveal, is the Industry Choice winner in the Concrete Construction Equipment category in Hanley Wood’s 2018 Most Innovative Products. This award is presented annually in conjunction with the World of Concrete. Attendees of the tradeshow and audiences of Concrete Construction and The Concrete Producer vote on products they deem to be innovative to the industry. A panel of industry experts, many of whom serve on the World of Concrete Educational Advisory Board, also have a hand in selecting the winners.

About Our 2018 Most Innovative Products Winner

Clean Line Reveal  (or CLR) is available in a variety of profiles to create design details in tilt-up and precast structures like never before. The extruded high density PVC material makes the strips lightweight and durable, and unlike wood, they’re oblivious to climate change. CLR is easy to install, easy to remove, and produces a clean, uniform finish that’s incredibly smooth. Wood reveals contain sugars that can leach from the wood, resulting in discoloration and retardation; CLR eliminates this concern. Additionally, there is a reduction in labor costs because this product eliminates the need for priming, sanding, and repairs. Plus, it's easy to cut pieces in the field with a circular/miter saw.

Secure Clean Line Reveal strips in place with an adhesive spray.   

We consider it an honor to have Clean Line Reveal win the Industry Choice MIP. Winning this category in particular serves as a testament to the quality of this product. We congratulate all of the other nominees and winners of their respective categories and we look forward to the innovative products and ideas the industry will see next year.

World of Concrete 2018

We've been attending World of Concrete for over 4 decades now and it just keeps getting better every year.  We look forward to meeting new people, seeing long-time friends face-to-face, and telling everyone about our full line of products.  We were busy this year with representation in three different locations.

At our main booth, our organic concrete build-up and splatter remover Blast-Off was a big attraction. We had a great time talking about the benefits of this safe-on-all-surfaces product and demonstrating its effectiveness through display and video.

New Products Showcase

Adjacent to our main booth was our New Product Showcase where attendees could learn all about what's new in our assortment. The following products were featured for each category:










New Product Showcase

We loved having this dedicated space for giving our new products their own spotlight at the show.

Nox-Crete at Concrete Decor Live!

Outside the Las Vegas Convention Center - in addition to seeing our ads on the benches - tradeshow attendees could see our products in action at Concrete Decor Live! Nox-Crete colors and textures from the Duro-Color Floor System were used to create a Las Vegas / Harley-Davidson logo in the orange building's "biker bar".

Throughout the week, visitors to the exhibit enjoyed a live demonstration of densifiers, dyes, surface retarders, and sealers. Concrete Decor provided an educational and inspiring experience for all and we were proud to be a part of it.

To everyone who stopped by, thanks for coming to see us. We look forward to seeing you all again for World of Concrete 2019.

Easy Work Practice Solutions That Reduce Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust

OSHA’s new Respirable Crystalline Silica Dust Standard sets very strict standards for exposure, and contractors across the United States are developing their compliance playbook to mitigate risk. Employers must limit access to high exposure areas; provide training and respiratory protection; develop written exposure control plans; and begin to measure exposures starting in 2018.

The Nox-Crete team thinks the best way to prevent health problems related to silica dust is to avoid silica dust altogether. Several of our high-performance chemical and accessory solutions reduce the need for grinding and sanding Tilt-Up wall panels. Less grinding, less dust.

Reduce Grinding Requirements to Limit Exposure

Several products in the Nox-Crete Tilt-Up segment can be implemented as dust control work processes to meet the new OSHA requirements. First, chemically active Silcoseal cure and bondbreaker products deliver uniform and consistent panel separation. Clean panel separation with Silcoseal reduces wall panel grinding and patching requirements, thereby reducing worker exposure to silica dust.

Adding TP-Joint as a preventative work process will eliminate the traditional grinding of concrete “fins” on erected wall panel surfaces. TP-Joint is a pre-molded, flexible temporary floor joint filler that easily fits into saw cut floor/casting slab floor joints to prevent concrete seepage. Easy to install, TP-Joint is also easily removed without the use of any special tools or the need for resawing.

Better Reveals Reduce Dust

Rustication and reveal products made with wood, or porous blown PVC have a tendency to stick in Tilt-Up wall panels, which requires grinding along the entire length of each strip. Grinding, patching, sanding and sealing every inch exposes the team to unacceptable limits of silica dust.

Nox-Crete offers Clean Line Reveal, a high density extruded PVC rustication and chamfer strip. Because Clean Line Reveal won’t cause sugar retardation or expand like wood - you get a full surface contact and tighter joints that release clean from tilt-wall panels. Using Clean Line Reveal will greatly reduce the exposure to silica dust.

Use Smooth Textured Patching and Finishing Compound to Minimize Sanding

Creamy Panel Patch from Nox-Crete repairs minor surface defects on tilt-up wall surfaces, such as: air voids (bug holes), honeycombs, spalls, gouges, chips and scratches with no grinding and only minimal sanding prior to painting. With a unique blend of Portland cement, acrylic polymer modifiers and ultra-fine aggregates, high strength Panel Patch trowels out smoothly to a feather-edge thinness without any coarse, gritty feel.

Panel Patch delivers an exceptional bond to concrete and masonry surfaces, and is color-blended to match natural concrete. Because it dries in as little as 15 minutes, Panel Patch can be painted the same day.

Include Preventative Work Processes in Written Control Plans

The new rule requires employers to have a written exposure control plan that describes the following:

  • The tasks that could expose workers to silica dust
  • A description of the engineering controls, work practices, and respiratory protection used to limit exposure for each task
  • The housekeeping measures and restricted work area procedures used to limit exposure

Your written exposure control plan can also include anything else you think is important about keeping your employees safe from respirable crystalline silica at your worksite. Use Nox-Crete dust control products as a preventative work process to avoid grinding concrete.

Change is inevitable, but staying ahead of this new regulation doesn’t have to kill your profits. In fact, by taking advantage of next generation solutions from Nox-Crete, your operations can run more efficiently to give you an edge on your competition.

Key Dates For Construction Industry Compliance

  • September 23, 2017 - Comply with all obligations of the standard, except methods of sample analysis
  • June 23, 2018 - Comply with methods of sample analysis


Silica: The Nitty Gritty

  • Workers who inhale very small crystalline silica particles are at increased risk of developing silicosis, an incurable and sometimes fatal lung disease.
  • About two million construction workers are exposed to respirable crystalline silica in over 600,000 workplaces.
  • Respirable crystalline silica is a worker safety issue, which has big implications on recruiting and retaining new construction workers.

New Tilt-Up Concrete Segment Manager Tom Bozzano

Nox-Crete has brought Tom Bozzano on board as the Tilt-Up Segment Manager. Tom has over 25 years working in concrete construction as a Tilt-Up concrete Project Manager and Estimator. He has effectively negotiated with general contractors. Tom has managed construction teams to deliver projects on schedule and within budget. He is ACI Tilt-Up and Bluebeam certified.

“It’s great to bring this much hands-on field experience into the Nox-Crete team. Tom brings a practical perspective to our technical service model,” said Michael Linn, President of Nox-Crete. “Tom knows what he’s talking about. He has already given valuable insight to our Research and Development team on a new accessory line for Tilt-Up concrete construction.”

Nox-Crete Listens to Concrete Contractors for New Product Ideas

Gluing down the Clean Line Reveal

Gluing down the Clean Line Reveal

Recently, Nox-Crete has brought to market cost-saving Tilt-Up accessories that improve results. Clean Line Reveal extruded PVC rustication strips leave incredible tilt wall panel detail with limited patching requirements at a low applied cost. Nox-Crete is also launching a new precision engineered laminated veneer lumber edge form called Pac Form. Preliminary testing shows that Tilt-Up contractors can expect to get up to 20 repours with this material without warping.


Clean Line Reveal for Tilt-Up concrete construction

Clean Line Reveal results on unfinished wall

Tom will be responsible for bringing these new accessories to market, along with supporting the sales of the Silcoseal family of Tilt-Up concrete cures and bondbreakers.Contractors prefer Silcoseal because they get nice, clean Tilt-Up concrete panels that require very little patch or repair. Nox-Crete delivers 100% compatibility between Silcoseal bondbreaker and Nox-Crete floor hardeners to reduce risk for the project team. And Silcoseal is rain resistant, which makes it a dependable choice no matter where you are located.

He is a big baseball fan who is currently based in Las Vegas. He is excited to move his family to Omaha, Nebraska – the home of the College World Series. Tom holds an Associate Degree in Applied Science from Wyoming Tech.

Tom will participate in the Tilt-Up Concrete Association.