Restore your Decorative Concrete with with Nox-Crete’s Deco-Peel and Natraseal – Step by Step

With beautiful spring weather comes the perfect time to remove that worn, faded and chalky sealer from your decorative concrete and replace it with a beautiful, glossy sealer.

Nox-Crete's Deco-Peel makes sealer removal easy and precise. With the amazing blanket removal system, simply "Roll it Out, Roll it On and Peel it Off!"

Once your worn acrylic sealer has been removed, Nox-Crete's Natraseal is a perfect choice for re-sealing that decorative concrete.

Turn your honey-do into a honey-done in no time with Nox-Crete's New Deco-Peel and Natraseal!

Click "Continue Reading" below to watch the "Step-by-Step" videos!

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Liquid Hardeners Realize Maximum Performance When Applied After 28 Days

Patience is a Virtue - Testing Confirms Liquid Hardeners Realize Maximum Performance When Applied After 28 Days

A growing trend within the concrete flooring industry is to apply liquid hardeners on freshly-troweled concrete in what is referred to as a “pre-seal” or a “cure-coat.” Conversely, Nox-Crete has historically advised applicators to wait and apply liquid floor hardeners a minimum of 28 days after concrete placement to allow for maximum performance. The 28 day recommendation was based on intuition and a strong understanding of the chemistry behind liquid floor hardeners and the means by which they densify concrete surfaces. The lack of conclusive data led Nox-Crete to not only ask but to answer the question, does the timing of the application (Day One vs. Day 28) impact the liquid floor hardener’s ability to improve abrasion resistance? Continue reading

Top 10 Tips: Acryl Pen

Acryl Pen is a pigmented silane sealer, ideal for porous or textured exterior concrete. The decorative coating not only beautifies concrete, but also protects the surface and allows for vapor transmission.  Follow these Top 10 Tips – compiled from frequently asked questions and real customer applications – to get the most from your Acryl Pen application.

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Kyle Field Precaster Used Brick Release

Critics, fans and industry experts touted Texas A&M’s renovated Kyle Field as college football’s premier stadium when the doors opened for the 2014 season – and the $450 million renovations were only half complete. Still, the stadium’s 20,000 additional seats, new statues and 163-foot wide 1080p video screen – the largest in college athletics – wowed attendees.

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